After a long day, butter fixes everything.


Yesterday was a long day.

As I was driving home from work, I had the intense urge to bake.  All I could think about was creating something delicious and then getting it out of our apartment as fast as humanly possible to avoid the proverbial eating of feelings.  I pulled what is probably a very illegal u-turn and went straight into Publix to get the most essential ingredient in all of baking land: Pure. Fat-Full. Butter.  (I happen to prefer Publix brand unsalted butter for all of my baking needs.) After loading up on the butter and grabbing a few bags of chocolate chips and some spinach (life is about balance, right?) I headed straight home to start to scratch this itch!

I hauled myself and my prized butter up three-flights of stairs only to find that Andy had a lovely dinner all ready.  I am a lucky girl.  After dinner, my urge to bake was quickly satisfied when I made (for the 2nd time in 4 days) what I believe could be the world’s most perfect chocolate chip cookie.  It is slightly crispy on the outsides and delightfully chewy on the inside and it is LOADED with butter.

After making these amazing little creatures and splitting one with Andy (OK.. two), it was time to package them up and give them away.  I have learned a lot from my mother and grandmother over the years, but one of most important things is the art of giving away treats.  These woman know how to package up some goodies and in true family tradition, I did the same.  I find the easiest way to make someone feel special is to hand them a package of home-made goodies.  It does wonders for workplace relationship management or to simply tell someone you appreciate them for putting up with you.

What a perfect way to end a crazy Wednesday.

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