Category Archives: Preparation

Stay tuned….


This year, I am making an effort to healthify my baking and  show ways to keep the cost down.   I am not going to get crazy, but I am going to try some healthier alternatives in my baking and who knows, maybe even a vegan recipe or two for my new animal-free-food friends.  I just need to stock my pantry with a few more essentials and then I will be ready for anything.

If you have any delicious and semi-nutritious recipes that you want to share, feel free!

Here we gooooo….

Getting Prepared!


It is time to start stocking up with ingredients to make some of my favorite holiday treats! Around this time of year, I really start to look for sales on key baking ingredients like flour, sugar, and chocolate chips….then I have to find a place to put them.  Granny recently went to ALDI to do some ingredient pricing for me and I think their prices may be better than Publix even with coupons (gasp!).  I will report back!

Holiday baking is one of my favorite family traditions and I cannot wait to get started this year!  What are some of your favorite holiday treats?